2022年1月25日〜2月6日まで新宿マルイ本館 1F にて「はじめてのデリケートゾーンケア」としてポップアップストアを開催いたしました!

From January 25 to February 6, 2022, a pop-up store was held on the 1st floor of Shinjuku Marui Main Building as “First Time Delicate Zone Care.

デリケートゾーンソープ「withmoonモイスチャーフェミニンウォッシュ」と新発売のデリケートゾーン美容液「withmoon フェミニンケアオイルセラム」をご紹介。たくさんの方にお買い求め頂きました。

Introducing “withmoon Moisture Feminine Wash,” a delicate soap, and “withmoon Feminine Care Oil Serum,” a newly released delicate-zone beauty essence. Many people purchased these products.

Various other items, including withmoon brand items and other hot spring cosmetics, are also available.


A TikTok video of “Women’s Hormone University” was introduced at the store via digital signage. Menstrual cups were sold and menstrual products were displayed around the world to disseminate information about menstruation and the female body.

Selling menstrual cups. Many people stopped by to see the actual cups for the first time.

Exhibition of sanitary products from around the world


※These photos were taken before the opening.